Women in North Korean Politics
An Introduction
The study of feminism has opened individuals to new ways of observing and understanding the world around us. Every country has its own unique history pertaining to women's issues and the development of women's rights. This website is dedicated to understanding the development of women's issues pertaining to politics in North Korea. While more and more women have risen to hold great political power since the nation's formation in 1948, we can observe that the role of women continues to be abused in an effort to gain internal and international influence. The resources provided below aim to create a better understanding of how these two opposing realities for women interact in North Korean politics.
Entering North Korea
Here is key information need to understand the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), better known as North Korea.
Be Aware!
The North Korean government is very restrictive on what information is available to the outside world. Some information is released directly via press releases and news broadcasts, but this information can be misleading and deceptive. Researchers often acquire information from defectors, but even corroborating this information can be a difficult task. This website uses a variety of sources to relay information, however, readers must understand that fully comprehending the state of women's issues in North Korean politics will never be complete until the North Korean government is more transparent to the international community.